Dear You

November 11, 2012

Keishien Belber
You are young, beautiful and full of hope. You still have a lot to learn from the world, though I'm pretty sure that you've learned and gone through many things already. You will be someone that you need and want to be, in time. You may not get all the things that you want, but have faith that God's will for you, will always prevail; you just have to work on it.

Your family may not be how you want it to be. But I know that you are still always thankful for the family that you have. Some may be even envious when they see your family. Learn from the past, do not dwell on it. 

You may be hurting recently, or maybe, for a long time now because of your relationship with a special man. You might have cried an ocean because of the pain brought by it. You might have felt less of yourself for sometime whenever you found out something that you wished you never did. You might have expected a lot from that relationship that lasted for years. You might have lost the friendship you have with him, but I hope that you will still be good friends when all the pain had gone. You may still be hoping and thinking over it; if you made the right decision. Remember, whenever you do something right, it may not always make you happy. But for now, I agree that you should take a break first, it will be good for your heart. Relationships end. It ended.

But, remember, a breakup can be good (you have the right not to believe in me on this). You may have more time for God, family, study, yourself, friends and other commitments. You may have more time to reflect on the things that you do and things you need to do. You may feel freer and able to love yourself more. You may have more time to put together the pieces of yourself that you have lost. And you may realize in the process, that you have gained a lot actually. Until you feel that you are ready to forgive, yourself and others. Until you find your heart fully happy again and ready for greater and wonderful things.

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