All play and no work

August 22, 2011

It has been three months that I have been officially unemployed. After college graduation last April 2011, I really planned to take a break and not to apply for any job and just enjoy the rest of April and May. Then came June, and I already felt exhausted from not doing anything. I enjoyed my two-month vacation but when the school year started and I was left at home since my mom is a teacher and my older sister started working, I feel the need to do something I want to do.

I am not saying that I am not enjoying this, but too much time with nothing worthwhile to do is tiring, and boring. I am currently waiting for a final interview for the job I applied for, and hopefully, it will save me from my daily routine of doing chores at homes on weekdays and just always waiting for the weekend. I like how my days go from Monday to Sunday. As I have said, I do the chores at home during weekdays while I was mostly outside home during Saturday and Sunday. 
I always come to the Antioch prayer meeting in the church during Saturdays to catch up with other Antiochers and making plans for the church and the youth formation. We usually have a person that will talk about some topic, with sharing and discussion afterwards. While on Sundays, I attend the second mass and the meeting of the youth ministry in our parish. That's how my week usually goes.
young christians Antioch Sto. NiƱo de Bancaan
Some of my fellow Antiochers
I once read that the grand essentials of happines (Allan K. Chalmers) are:
1. someone to love
2. something to do
3. something to hope for

I have someone to love and I have so many things to hope for, but as of now, I think I am looking for something to do, something that I really want to do. I believe God answers our prayers, and I am waiting for an answer. Because truly, 'all work and no play' isn't good but 'all play and no work' is neither good too. We all need some balance, don't we?

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