What is childhood like without parents?

September 17, 2012

I was absent from work again today (probably my third for this month.) I'm not feeling well (stomachache and sore throat), I just went back to bed and tried to sleep.

Just this noon, I heard my five-year old nephew that he does not want to go to school. We had talked about it yesterday that if he doesn't want to go to school, he can stop for a while and we will be giving away to other children his school bag, books, notebooks and other school things, so he decided that he'd go to school.

I went out of my room and asked him that question, again. He said that he'd go to school and I replied that he needs to hurry up or he'll be running late with his nanny. He got mad because of that. He tried to throw back my things at me, and I told him that he can use his words rather than hurting. 

I am a preschool teacher, and I know there are children who are not yet ready for school and some just don't want to go to school because at first, it's a new routine, a place out of their comfort. I know that my nephew is ready for school and he has adjusted to the school routine but he seemed to have things with his own way. 

I felt sad for him, to be away from his parents, that's why we had to do the discipline (my mom, me, and my eldest brother) and I'm telling you, the combination of all is pretty bad. I do not want to blame anyone anymore on what he will be like without his parents, but I am still hoping and praying too that he will remember his childhood as a happy oneGod bless him!

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