A strange encounter

October 31, 2016

Last night, we had a strange encounter right after parking our car in front of a fast food restaurant.

An old Arab man approached my husband and sounded needy. I can't understand Arabic but from the tone of their conversation, the old man was asking for help. After a while, Michael looked at me and told me that we're going to drop off the man in a nearby clinic, just a few minutes away from where we were. I would want to hesitate out of fear but Michael seemed assured that the man was harmless. The old man has pain in his legs that he wanted to get checked.

If we were in horror/thriller movies, something terrible might have happened to us last night. On the drive going to the clinic while the stranger was at the backseat, there were horrifying scenes playing out in my mind. I just told myself to let it be.

Fortunately, nothing bad happened. We dropped off the old man and he looked thankful. He even told my husband that he would pray to Allah to bless us a child, and that we already have a place in heaven for helping him.

It was indeed a strange night. I realized that I really don't trust people easily and I watched too much horror movies. Haha!

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